Thursday 23 April 2015

Term 2 up and running!

This term we have writing buddies! The children sit next to their buddy so that they can work together for paired writing activities. They give each other feedback and listen to each others stories. 
We will also be tracking our writing progress!

We have started our mornings with a bit of Word Work. This week we have been reviewing different blends and writing as many words as we know that begin with a specific blend. The children came up with some great words!


We have had some great classroom discussions about Anzac Day and why it is important. 
Here are some of the questions that we have...

We came up with some words to describe the Anzac soldiers that fought for us and some of the feelings they might have felt.

What we have found out!
See if your child can remember the answer to some of these questions:

When was the first World War?
How many years did it last?
What was another name for the war?
Where was it?
What is another name for 'ex-servicemen'?

Saturday 4 April 2015

What a way to end the term!

Room 11 did an amazing job at the school assembly on Thursday. We did an item especially for Mr Harrop who had his last day at Stanley Ave. I am so proud of all the children! It was a close call and we almost didn't get to perform because of technical difficulties, but it all worked out in the end! (Thanks Mrs Hamilton and Miss Meredith!) Also big thanks to Miss Williams for grabbing the ipad and filming it for us! Check it out below :)